Sacred Frankincense HYDROSOL 100 ML

955 item(s)

Resonates on Hertz: 528 (love)

Sacred Frankincense HYDROSOL is from 100% Pure Essential Resin Oil, derived from the resin of the Boswellia Sacra tree. This oil comes directly from Oman. Boswellia Sacra is known to have the highest content of Alpha Pinine content of any of the Boswellia trees growing in the Middle East. 

Used in aromatherapy, Frankincense works as an expectorant to clear the nasal passageway, promote the relief of congestion, and encourage easy breathing. It's sweet, woody aroma is sedative and enhances mood by diminishing feelings of stress and anxiety while improving concentration and memory. Makes a great natural deodorant.

It can be used to improve respiratory function, reduce stress levels, induce relaxation and improve skin health. Frankincense oil is also known for its anti inflammatory and antibacterial properties, making it a valuable addition to any natural health regimen.

It is believed to help improve sleep quality, and enhance cognitive function. Studies suggest that frankincense can also reduce inflammation related to brain injury.

Frankincense Hydrosol 100ml Label (100ml_133_x_70_with_French.png, 2,167 Kb) [Download]

Certificate of Origin (certifacate_of_oragin_.pdf, 622 Kb) [Download]

Boswellia sacra essential oil induces tumor cell-specific apoptosis and suppresses tumor aggressiveness in cultured human breast cancer cells (1472-6882-11-129.pdf, 743 Kb) [Download]

Frankincense ameliorates endometriosis via inducing apoptosis and reducing adhesion (Frankincense_ameliorates_endometriosis_via_inducing_apoptosis_and_reducing_adhesion.pdf, 3,575 Kb) [Download]

CoA DeVitaVite FrankincenseOct25 (CoA_DeVitaVite_FrankincenseOct25.pdf, 458 Kb) [Download]